The Ritual Dog
We lost Gleann on October 18, 2019
![]() ![]() ![]() We feel a bit weird about getting a puppy, being hard-core dog adopters and spay/neuter advocates. But he w So we have now Gleann (“valley,” see, we were going to name him Beinn or “mountain” because we live on one but decided two dogs with names starting with “b” and ending with “n” might be confusing for them…so we went with where he came from…we wanted something really simple for the folks, although most people seem to want to read it as Glee-an. *sigh*). At first we though Scolaighe showed prey interest but it turned out she has “aunty” tendencies, wanting to play and fuss over him. Irony was ill, so we were afraid this might stress her, but she dealt with him here very well. Bran wanted to play, but again, that also had to wait until Gleann was closer to his size. We had a fun teething stage, which lasted a very long time it seemed. He’s shown some herding interest. He’s showing himself more willful than the “puppy testing” showed before. But I think he’s going to make a nice addition to the pack. Due to his willfulness, we did take him to a Basic Obedience class and as the youngest there he still did quite well. Finally updating Dec. 2009 Gleann continued to be a handful for awhile, however. As he matured, he has become an excellent dog, very snuggling inside, very adventurous outside. Scolaighe had a great deal to do with that, undoubtedly, becoming his pack “aunty” and happily playing with him. Often very rough, but no dogs were hurt in the making of this photo. When she became ill, she stopped playing with him like this. It seemed to make him sad, but he adjusted and was very lovey and caring to her. Her recent loss has been devastating to him as was the previous loss of his much less aggressive buddy Bran. He did have Òrlaith to help him through. Updated 2017Wow, once again, I can’t believe how long it’s been. Iupdate on the Facebook page and never get to here. And, unfortunately, on several fundraisers for the dogs.
Gleann tried to bond with Òrlaith like he did with Scolaighe, but she was not inclined to wrestle. He seemed a bit intimidated by Cù, who could get cranky. However, Cù was intimidated by Òrlaith so everyone stayed in check. With Sachairi joining us, Gleann finally had another “farm dog” to romp loose in the woods fields with. Sachairi was older and smaller, but for most of the time he was with us, his energy level was typically BC/Aussie high. They both watched over the animals, as much as we let them (outside is supervised time, even for the farm dogs). But Gleann has always been our key Ritual Dog, while Sach often found the whole thing odd except for the sharing food part. Gleann, however, loves ritual. Looking back we remember that at his very first ritual, as a puppy, he just ran and ran in a deiseal circle around the fire for most of the time we were on site. Over time he calmed down and then became “on duty.” He now patrols the area before ritual and keeps watch, he does the border offering with me and at the end of the ritual, while I deal with letting the fire die and Aaron takes the other dogs home along with the first load of gear (someday we do hope to have locked, waterproof storage up there but have failed to figure out anything secure enough for our peace of mind) to the house, he usually sits against my back. Sometimes, now, he’ll lie amongst the graves of our Shadow Pack, who I know join our rituals. When the fire is out and it’s time to head back home, it is often difficult to get him to leave. Gleann is such a perfect dog now that it’s difficult to remember that at one point we were worried he’d never pay attention. It took a lot of work to become more interesting than things he might seek out on his own. Now he a Velcro dog with a huge vocabulary (including some spellings). He is very high energy when he’s out playing, even now as he approaches 13, As I noted above, 2016 and the beginning of 2017 have been rough ones for us and for Gleann. The loss of Sachairi was a blow for both Gleann and Gráinne, we were all just adjusting to the loss when in April we took these two and the catto their annual checkups. Due to Gleann turning 12 and showing signs of slowing down as well as the puzzling symptoms that Gráinne had been showing that were not yet diagnosed, we had full blood work done on both. Both came back with terrifying results. Gráinne had leukemia and Gleann was hypercalcemic. This all came as a major blow and we entered a rather extreme roller coaster of a year. With the help of a friend we did an auction of Sarah Connor/Terminator items., along with more fundraising We finally were able to do the surgery. Which led to a completely surreal day with everything going along as expected when suddenly the surgeon came back and decide we should postpone because Gleann wasn’t sick enough. After all, he didn’t have the symptoms that usually bring dogs to this diagnosis and surgery, because it was found early by a blood test. While 15 minutes before the surgeon was noting that it was good his levels weren’t as high as he usually saw with this, because that might mean he’s level off and not be hypocalcemic after the surgery, he now felt they were too low. On the one hand, we kept noting that Gleann was lethargic, that he was eating A few days later we rescheduled for both the removal of the parathyroid and removal of the stones from his bladder. The surgery went great. We had several sad, nervous days here while Gleann was at the hospital, calling checking on him. He had nervous days there, not eating much although he did get to like one of his nurses. Gráinne, still hurting from losing Sach was beside herself until he came home. Once home he recovered quickly, started getting his appetite back as much as he ever had one. Energy-wise the difference was amazing, we had our puppy back! The lethargic old dog, which many would just assume was due to the fact he was 12, was completely a symptom! We monitored his calcium levels, which leveled off quickly. If it weren’t for the memory of the months of lethargy and the shaved areas that are still growing out it is like nothing ever happened to him. Gleann is about to turn 13. He has out lived six Greyhounds and another farm dog (all adopted later in their lives, but adopting “special needs” Greyhounds may account for a shorter average lifespan here, but we’ll likely pick another hard case when we are ready again). He is now experiencing being an only dog for the very first time in his life. And it’s hard on him. It’s always been hard for him to lose his beloved packmates. He does have his cat, who he is utterly mad about, but the relationship is different although they are both clearly mourning. Update Jan 2019Gleann is now approaching 15. After losing Gráinne he appeared depressed and more lethargic. It was difficult to tell how much this was As he wasn’t eating they put him on Gabapentin, which made his neuroalogic issues much worse, although he did start eating a bit more.We were supposed to keep him on it when In 2016 he started a mild “barbering” habit, that would hast only through the fall. I figured it was connected to the seeds that start sticking to fur at the time it would start and likely the stress. It started when he and Gráinne were sick. He’d chew the hair off his lower legs. Then he’d stop at some point before we became too concerned. In 2016 he stopped before his surgery, in 2017 he stopped shortly after Cairbre joined us. This past fall he got much more into it, started in on his right hind leg (it might, again, be related to the atrophy which is on the left side of his head). He denuded the entire leg, up over the hip, and his underside on that side and the inside of his left hind leg, and started up his right side. The vet thought allergies or a skin condition were to blame although he doesn’t gnaw at the skin, just cuts and pulls at his fur. Allergy meds not only didn’t stop it, it made it worse as it interfered with is sleep even more than he was having issues with already. Skin scrapings showed nothing. I kept saying it was behavioral, but that’s falling on deaf ears. He does trance a bit with it, but is also determined. He will go to another room in order to keep from being stopped. We’ve looked at many solutions but none will work for him, it seems. He is too unsteady as it is to even consider a cone, he won’t be substitute chewing bones or use a Kong or such things because he never really had the interest in those. At this point I try not to let him out of my sight for more than a few minutes, which is a problem. I kept noting since he first began to decline that he had signs of Canine Cognitive Disorder, but was ignored for over a year after I first mentioned it. But as his “sundowning” got worse, Aaron finally pushed about that and in December of 2018 he was finally put on Amipryl. The Anipryl has helped, somewhat. He still walks slow and wants to sniff a lot more than in the past, but not as bad. He’ll also keep going, although he is, of course, deconditioned now. He’s obviously much clearer, responding to both of us and the other dogs better. But he is still sundowning and chewing his hair off. So that’s where we’re at. Still trying to get some help to get him to rest through the night so that we can and stop chewing his hair off. As fall 2019 rolled around it was obvious that Gleann was finishing up. We had suspected that August was his last ritual in body, I carried him to the spot where we make the “boundary” offering and then back to the ritual area again. He didn’t make it to Samhuinn. On October 18 we helped him let go of his weak body. Of course, he was there on Samhuinn, a powerful spirit always. Contents and design, except where noted otherwise below, copyright © 2004 -2019 Saigh Kym Lambert and Aaron Miller |