I’ve been posting on my LiveJournal about the Polanski fiasco, in anger, shock and horror that so many celebrities seem to feel he shouldn’t be brought to justice because he’s supposedly a great artist. I’m horrified by some of his supporters and I can NOT support their work, I just can’t.
It’s rape survivors who need to be supported, not rapists, no matter what you think of the talent of said rapist. This…man, although it’s hardly suiting to give him that much dignity, forcibly raped a 13 year old child then ran from the country to avoid prosecution.
I’m so angry about this I can barely write, so I’m going to post the link to Kate Harding’s Salon.com post because she does a better job than I can.
I posted the names of those who have signed the petition supporting Polanski, supporting rape, standing up for rape, saying that it’s okay that this girl was brutilized in this LJ post and do not wish to repeat it again. I will add that Whoopi Goldberg, Harrison Ford, Debra Winger and Tilda Swinton have all publicly stated support as well.
On the plus side there is a growing list of big names who are speaking out against Polanski, for his return to the US for justice and in support of his victim (and other victims) at this link.
There is the “Art Does Not Excuse Rape: Polanski Must Face Justice” petition out there as well and PROMOTING AWARENESS, VICTIM EMPOWERMENT not only has Online petition – Rape IS Rape – Shatter the Silence of Sexual Violence going but are calling for rallies at movie theaters across the nation on October 10.
I, for one, do not want my money and support going to any filmmaker, writer, etc. who thinks that rape can be excused because of celebrity.